GREEN & AWAKE is a food design studio based in Sweden, putting the world’s most nutrient-rich and highest-quality foods in the spotlight with a Nordic approach— minimalist aesthetics and meticulously sourced ingredients, offering expertise on food & menu design, recipe development and unique content creation through our consultancy, food design and marketing services, tasting events, lectures and educational books.
We truly love development process that leads to innovation as we have a strong vision to work on continuous innovations that are grounded in research and experiment.
What we create is always gluten-free vegan and mostly raw.
Nazli Develi is a chef, food designer, award winning author and the founder of Green & Awake.
She trained and worked as a vegan chef at different restaurants and hotels across the world from Europe to Asia and provided lectures. She also has digital marketing and design background, before immersing herself in the food industry, she spent a part of her career in marketing sector where she sharpened her skills in this area.
After she has started Green & Awake, she focused her work on helping companies to design unique recipes and artistic digital material that will stand out in the sector.
She now brings healthy innovative ideas to the table in a playful way and work with both small and large companies in the food industry to help them make plant based food more visible and beautiful for a kinder world.